Getting started#


TEEHR requires the following dependencies:

  • Python 3.10 or later

  • Java 8 or later for Spark (we use 17)

The easiest way to install TEEHR is from PyPI using pip. If using pip to install TEEHR, we recommend installing TEEHR in a virtual environment. The code below creates a new virtual environment and installs TEEHR in it.

# Create directory for your code and create a new virtual environment.
mkdir teehr_examples
cd teehr_examples
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# Install using pip.
# Starting with version 0.4.1 TEEHR is available in PyPI
pip install teehr

# Download the required JAR files for Spark to interact with AWS S3.
python -m teehr.utils.install_spark_jars

Or, if you do not want to install TEEHR in your own virtual environment, you can use Docker:

docker build -t teehr:v0.4.8 .
docker run -it --rm --volume $HOME:$HOME -p 8888:8888 teehr:v0.4.8 jupyter lab --ip $HOME

Project Objectives#

  • Easy integration into research workflows

  • Use of modern and efficient data structures and computing platforms

  • Scalable for rapid execution of large-domain/large-sample evaluations

  • Simplified exploration of performance trends and potential drivers (e.g., climate, time-period, regulation, and basin characteristics)

  • Inclusion of common and emergent evaluation methods (e.g., error statistics, skill scores, categorical metrics, hydrologic signatures, uncertainty quantification, and graphical methods)

  • Open source and community-extensible development


TEEHR is a python package that provides a framework for the evaluation of hydrologic model performance. It is designed to enable iterative and exploratory analysis of hydrologic data, and facilitates this through:

  • Scalability - TEEHR’s computational engine is built on PySpark, allowing it to take advantage of your available compute resources.

  • Data Integrity - TEEHR’s internal data model (The TEEHR Framework) makes it easier to work with and validate the various data making up your evaluation, such as model outputs, observations, location attributes, and more.

  • Flexibility - TEEHR is designed to be flexible and extensible, allowing you to easily customize metrics, add bootstrapping, and group and filter your data in a variety of ways.

TEEHR Evaluation Example#

The following is an example of initializing a TEEHR Evaluation, cloning a dataset from the TEEHR S3 bucket, and calculating two versions of KGE (one with bootstrap uncertainty and one without).

import teehr
from pathlib import Path

# Initialize an Evaluation object
ev = teehr.Evaluation(
   dir_path=Path(Path().home(), "temp", "quick_start_example"),

# Clone the example data from S3

# Define a bootstrapper with custom parameters.
boot = teehr.Bootstrappers.CircularBlock(
   quantiles=[0.05, 0.95]
kge = teehr.DeterministicMetrics.KlingGuptaEfficiency(bootstrap=boot)
kge.output_field_name = "BS_KGE"

include_metrics = [kge, teehr.DeterministicMetrics.KlingGuptaEfficiency()]

# Get the currently available fields to use in the query.
flds = ev.joined_timeseries.field_enum()

metrics_df = ev.metrics.query(


For a full list of metrics currently available in TEEHR, see the Available Metrics documentation.