.. _getting_started: =============== Getting started =============== Installation ------------ There are several methods currently available for installing TEEHR. You can install from github: .. code-block:: python # Using pip pip install 'teehr @ git+https://github.com/RTIInternational/teehr@[BRANCH_TAG]' # Using poetry poetry add git+https://github.com/RTIInternational/teehr.git#[BRANCH TAG] You can use Docker: .. code-block:: bash docker build -t teehr:v0.3.26 . docker run -it --rm --volume $HOME:$HOME -p 8888:8888 teehr:v0.3.26 jupyter lab --ip $HOME Importing TEEHR into your project --------------------------------- At its simplest, TEEHR is a collection of classes and modules that can be imported into your project: .. code-block:: bash teehr |__loading | |__nwm | | |__nwm_grids | | |__nwm_points | | |__retrospective_grids | | |__retrospective_points | | |__ ... | |__usgs | | |__ ... | |__nextgen | | |__ ... |__classes |__duckdb_database |__duckdb_joinedparquet |__ ... The ``loading`` directory contains modules for fetching and loading data into the TEEHR data model from various sources. The ``classes`` directory contains classes for performing model evaluation and calculating performance metrics. Fetching and Loading Data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To fetch and load retrospective NWM point data (ie, streamflow), you can import the ``retrospective_points`` module: .. code-block:: python # Import the module for loading NWM retrospective point data. from teehr.loading.nwm import retrospective_points # Define the parameters. NWM_VERSION = "nwm20" VARIABLE_NAME = "streamflow" START_DATE = datetime(2000, 1, 1) END_DATE = datetime(2000, 1, 2, 23) LOCATION_IDS = [7086109, 7040481] OUTPUT_ROOT = Path(Path().home(), "temp") OUTPUT_DIR = Path(OUTPUT_ROOT, "nwm20_retrospective") # Fetch and load the data. nwm_retro.nwm_retro_to_parquet( nwm_version=NWM_VERSION, variable_name=VARIABLE_NAME, start_date=START_DATE, end_date=END_DATE, location_ids=LOCATION_IDS, output_parquet_dir=OUTPUT_DIR ) Model Evaluation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TEEHR provides a set of classes for evaluating model performance using `DuckDB `_ either with parquet files or a persistent database. To evaluate a model based on a parquet file of pre-joined timeseries data, you can import the ``DuckDBJoinedParquet`` class: .. code-block:: python from teehr.classes.duckdb_joined_parquet import DuckDBJoinedParquet Refer to the :ref:`autoapi` for a full list of classes and modules available in TEEHR. An Introduction to TEEHR ------------------------ TEEHR is a collection of tools for evaluating and exploring hydrologic timeseries data. It is designed to be efficient, modular, and flexible, allowing users to work with a variety of data sources and formats. Quantifying the performance of a model can be a relatively simple task consisting of comparing the model output to observed data through a series of metrics. .. figure:: ../../images/getting_started/timeseries_plot.png :scale: 80% .. container:: center-icon :material-regular:`arrow_downward;3.5em;sd-text-success` .. figure:: ../../images/getting_started/metrics_table.png :scale: 75% Evaluating simulations vs. observations through a series of performance metrics. Understanding the reasons `why` a model performs well or poorly is a more complex task. It requires efficient, iterative exploration of the data, often across large spatial and temporal scales. These are the challenges that TEEHR is designed to address. .. note:: TEEHR is designed to provide efficient iterative exploration of billions of rows of timeseries data across large spatial and temporal scales. At its core, TEEHR consists of four main components: * **Data Models**: A set of schemas that define the structure of the data. * **Data Ingest and Storage**: Tools for fetching and loading hydrologic data into an efficient storage format. * **Exploration**: A set of tools for quantifying and understanding model performance. * **Visualization**: Tools for visualizing the data and results. [work-in-progress] .. figure:: ../../images/getting_started/teehr_components.png :scale: 75% The four main components of TEEHR. TEEHR Components ---------------- For more details on each component of TEEHR, see the following tutorials: :ref:`Data Models ` :doc:`Fetching and Loading Data ` :ref:`Metric Queries ` :doc:`Evaluation and Visualization ` Additional Tutorials -------------------- :doc:`/tutorials/joining_timeseries` :doc:`/tutorials/grouping_and_filtering` For a full list of metrics currently available in TEEHR, see the :doc:`/user_guide/metrics/metrics` documentation. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: Data Models Metric Queries /tutorials/tutorials_index