.. _queries: Model Evaluation Queries ======================== The TEEHR data library provides tools for querying data from the cached parquet files or database and for generating metrics. This includes: * Get Timeseries * Get Timeseries Characteristics * Get Joined Timeseries * Get Metrics Get Timeseries -------------- This feature simply applies filters to the timeseries tables and returns the requested timeseries. Get Timeseries Characteristics ------------------------------ This feature returns simple summary statistics on the requested timeseries. Get Joined Timeseries --------------------- This feature joins two different tables of timeseries together based on location and time, applies filters and returns the paired timeseries .. figure:: ../../images/getting_started/joined_timeseries.png :scale: 75% Getting joined timeseries schematic. Metrics ------- This feature starts by joining the timeseries as described above, then the timeseries are grouped to create populations, then the requested metrics are calculated. .. figure:: ../../images/getting_started/metrics.png :scale: 70% Calculating metrics schematic. For a list of the metrics currently available in TEEHR, see :doc:`/user_guide/metrics/metrics`