Release Notes ============= 0.3.26 - 2024-06-27 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Dark theme logo for sphinx documentation. * Added the `pickleshare` package to dev dependency group to fix `ipython` directive in sphinx documentation. Changed ^^^^^^^ * Pinned `sphinx-autodoc` to v3.0.0 and `numpy` to v1.26.4 in `documentation-publish.yml` to fix the API documentation build. * Removed unused documentation dependencies from dev group. 0.3.25 - 2024-06-06 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Added PySpark to TEEHR-HUB (including openjdk-17-jdk and jar files) Changed ^^^^^^^ * None 0.3.24 - 2024-05-29 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Added metrics documentation to the Sphinx documentation. Changed ^^^^^^^ * None 0.3.23 - 2024-05-28 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * None Changed ^^^^^^^ * Docstring updates in * Changelog update for 0.3.22. * Updates ``insert_attributes()`` in ```` to better handle None/Null attribute units. * Test updates in ````. 0.3.22 - 2024-05-22 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * None Changed ^^^^^^^ * Cleaned up the `DuckDB*` classes. Don't think any public interfaces changed. * Import of `DuckDBDatabase`, `DuckDBDatabaseAPI`, and `DuckDBJoinedParquet` now use `from teehr.classes import DuckDBDatabase, DuckDBDatabaseAPI, DuckDBJoinedParquet` * the `calculate_field`` method was renamed to `insert_calculated_field`` 0.3.21 - 2024-05-21 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Added the ``DuckDBJoinedParquet`` class for metric queries on pre-joined parquet files. * Added the ``DuckDBBase`` class for common methods between the ``DuckDBDatabase``, ``DuckDBAPI``, and ``DuckDBJoinedParquet`` classes. Changed ^^^^^^^ * Renamed the ``database`` directory to ``classes``. * Renamed the ```` to ````. * Renamed the ``TEEHRDatasetDB`` and ``TEEHRDatasetAPI`` classes to ``DuckDBDatabase`` and ``DuckDBAPI`` respectively. * Removed `lead_time` and `absolute_value` from joined table 0.3.20 - 2024-05-18 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * None Changed ^^^^^^^ * Update queries to accept a list of paths for example, `primary_filepath` and `secondary_filepath` Includes `get_metrics()`, `get_joined_timeseries()`, `get_timeseries()`, and `get_timeseries_chars()` 0.3.19 - 2024-05-18 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * None Changed ^^^^^^^ * Update SQL queries to allow `reference_time` to be NULL. * Updated tests for NULL `reference_time` 0.3.18 - 2024-05-10 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Added documentation regarding best practices for specifying the ``chunk_by`` parameter when fetching NWM retrospective and USGS data. Changed ^^^^^^^ * Fixed a bug in the NWM retrospective grid loading weighted average calculation. * Changed the method of fetching NWM gridded data to read only a subset of the grid (given by the row/col bounds from the weights file) into memory rather than the entire grid. * Removed 'day' and 'location_id' ``chunk_by`` options to reduce redundant data transfer costs. 0.3.17 - 2024-04-22 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * None Changed ^^^^^^^ * Dropped "Z" from the file name in the NWM loading functions, adding a note in the docstrings that all times are in UTC. * Changed data type of ``zonal_weights_filepath`` to ``Union[str, Path]`` in ````. * Fixed ``SettingWithCopyWarning`` in NWM grid loading. * Fixed the ``end_date`` in NWM retrospective loading to include the entirety of the last day and not fail when last available day is specfified. * Removed "elevation", "gage_id", "order" from NWM v3.0 retrospective point loading. 0.3.16 - 2024-04-11 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Adds a few new metrics to the queries: * annual_peak_relative_bias * spearman_correlation * kling_gupta_efficiency_mod1 * kling_gupta_efficiency_mod2 Changed ^^^^^^^ * None 0.3.15 - 2024-04-08 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * ``location_id_prefix`` as an optional argument to ``generate_weights_file()`` to allow for the prefixing of the location ID with a string. Changed ^^^^^^^ * Updated the NWM operational and retrospective grid loading functions so that the location ID as defined in the zonal weights file is used as the location ID in the output parquet files. 0.3.14 - 2024-03-29 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * relative_bias * multiplicative_bias * mean_squared_error * mean_absolute_relative_error * pearson_correlation * r_squared * nash_sutcliffe_efficiency_normalized Changed ^^^^^^^ * mean_error (rename current bias to mean_error) * mean_absolute_error (rename current mean_error to mean_absolute_error) 0.3.13 - 2024-03-22 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * None Changed ^^^^^^^ * Updated from Enum to StrEnum and added a fix for backwards incompatibility described here: This is required to support both python 3.10 and python 3.11. * Updated TEEHR-HUB to Python 3.11 and `pangeo/pangeo-notebook:2024.03.13` * Made all packages that use YYYY.MM.DD versioning `>=` instead of `^` in `pyproject.toml` 0.3.12 - 2024-03-22 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * None Changed ^^^^^^^ * Changed the chunking method for USGS and NWM retrospective data loading to iterate over pandas ``period_range`` rather than using ``groupby`` or ``date_range`` to fix a bug when fetching data over multiple years. 0.3.11 - 2024-03-19 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * None Changed ^^^^^^^ * Downgraded required Dask version to `dask = "^2023.8.1"` to match `pangeo/pangeo-notebook:2023.09.11` 0.3.10 - 2024-03-07 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Added `` Changed ^^^^^^^ * Fixed the calculation of the zonal mean of pixel values in `compute_zonal_mean()` so it caculates the weighted average (divides by the sum of weight values). * Updated grid loading tests and data to reflect the fixed method. 0.3.9 - 2024-02-15 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Adds sphinx documentation framework and initial docs. * The `documentation-publish.yml` workflow is set to build the docs and push to github pages on every tag. * The `pre-commit-config.yml` github hook runs on each commit and checks docstring formatting, trailing whitespaces, and the presence of large files. * Added documenation-related python dependencies to `[]` Changed ^^^^^^^ * Example notebooks have been moved to `docs/sphinx/user_guide/notebooks`. * The is now the `index.rst` file in `docs/sphinx/changelog`. * The and files now part of the `index.rst` file in `docs/sphinx/development`. * The and are now the `data_models.rst` and `queries.rst` files in `docs/sphinx/getting_started`. 0.3.8 - 2024-02-14 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Adds logging with a `NullHandler()` that can be implemented by the parent app using teehr. 0.3.7 - 2024-02-09 -------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ * Upgraded pandas to ^2.2.0 * Changed unit="H" in pandas.time_delta to unit="h" * Updated assert statements in `` 0.3.6 - 2024-02-07 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Adds an exception to catch an error when a corrupted file is encountered while building the Kerchunk reference file using `SingleHdf5ToZarr`. * The behavior determining whether to raise an exception is controlled by the `ignore_missing_file` flag. 0.3.5 - 2023-12-18 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Adds additional chunking methods for USGS and NWM retrospective loading to allow week, month and year chunking. * Adds mean areal summaries for NWM retrospective gridded forcing variables * Adds NWM v3.0 to retrospective loading Changed ^^^^^^^ * Fixes USGS loading to include last date of range * Removes extra fields from v2.1 retro output 0.3.4 - 2023-12-18 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Adds the `read_only` argument to the `query` method in the TEEHRDatasetDB class with default values specified in the query methods. Changed ^^^^^^^ * Establishes a read-only database connection as a class variable to the TEEHRDatasetAPI class so it can be re-used for each class instance. 0.3.3 - 2023-12-13 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Adds `get_joined_timeseries` method to TEEHR Dataset classes. Changed ^^^^^^^ * Updated validation fields in the `TimeSeriesQuery` pydantic model to accept only selected fields rather than existing database fields. * Updated function argument typing in `queries/` to be more explicit 0.3.2 - 2023-12-12 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * None Changed ^^^^^^^ * Fixed the `bias` metric so that it is `sum(secondary_value - primary_value)/count(*)` instead of `sum(primary_value - secondary_value)/count(*)` which resulted in the wrong sign. * Changed `primary_max_value_time`, `secondary_max_value_time` and `max_value_timedelta` queries to use built-in functions instead of CTEs. This improves speed significantly. * Fixed bug in queries when filtering by `configuration`, `measurement_unit` and `variable.` * Refactored `join_attributes` in `TEEHRDatasetDB` to better handle attributes with no units. * Refactored `create_join_and_save_timeseries_query queries` so that the de-duplication CTE is after the intial join CTE for improved performance. * Changes default list of `order_by` variables in `insert_joined_timeseries` to improve query performance 0.3.1 - 2023-12-08 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Adds a boolean flag to parquet-based metric query control whether or not to de-duplicate. * Adds a test primary timeseries file including duplicate values for testing. Changed ^^^^^^^ * Refactored parquet-based `get_metrics` and `get_joined_timeseries` queries to that so that the de-duplication CTE is after the intial join CTE for improved performance. 0.3.0 - 2023-12-08 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Adds a dataclass and database that allows preprocessing of joined timeseries and attributes as well as the addition of user defined functions. * Adds an initial web service API that serves out `timeseries` and `metrics` along with some other supporting data. * Adds an initial interactive web application using the web service API. Changed ^^^^^^^ * Switches to poetry to manage Python venv * Upgrades to Pydantic 2+ * Upgrades to Pangeo image `pangeo/pangeo-notebook:2023.09.11` 0.2.9 - 2023-12-08 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ * Three options related to kerchunk jsons * `local` - (default) previous behavior, manually creates the jsons based on GCS netcdf files using Kerchunk's `SingleHdf5ToZarr`. Any locally existing files will be used before creating new jsons from the remote store. * `remote` - use pre-created jsons, skipping any that do not exist within the specified time frame. Jsons are read directly from s3 using fsspec * `auto` - use pre-created jsons, creating any that do not exist within the specified time frame * Adds `nwm_version` (nwm22 or nwm30) and `data_source` (GCS, NOMADS, DSTOR - currently on GCS implemented) as loading arguments Changed ^^^^^^^ * Combines loading modules into one directory `loading/nwm` * Updates to loading example notebooks * Updates to loading tests 0.2.8 - 2023-11-14 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ - NWM v3.0 data loading and configuration models - Added check for duplicate rows in `get_metrics` and `get_joined_timeseries` queries (#69) - Added control for overwrite file behavior in loading (#77) - Significant refactor of the loading libraries - Added ability to select which retrospective version to download (v2.0 or v2.1) (#80) Changed ^^^^^^^ - Fixed NWM pydantic configurations models for v2.2 - Refactored `models/loading` directory 0.2.7 - 2023-09-14 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ - More testing to NWM point and grid loading functions 0.2.6 - 2023-09-14 -------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ - Fixed some sloppy bugs in `` Added ^^^^^ - `ValueError` handling when encountering a corrupt zarr json file 0.2.5 - 2023-09-11 -------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ - None Added ^^^^^ - Added ability to use holoviz export to TEEHR-HUB: - Installed firefox (and a bunch of dependencies) to the Docker container (using apt) - Installed selenium and the geckodriver using conda 0.2.4 - 2023-08-30 -------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ - Behavior of loading when encountering missing files - Renamed field `zone` to `location_id` in `` and `` Added ^^^^^ - The boolean flag `ignore_missing_files` to point and grid loading to determine whether to fail or continue on missing NWM files - Added a check to skip locally existing zarr json files when loading NWM data 0.2.3 - 2023-08-23 -------------------- Changed ^^^^^^^ - Removed pyarrow from time calculations in `` loading due to windows bug - Updated output file name in `` to include forecast hour if `process_by_z_hour=False` 0.2.2 - 2023-08-23 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ - nodejs to the jupyterhub build so the extensions will load (not 100% sure this was needed) Changed ^^^^^^^ - Updated TEEHR to v0.2.2, including TEEHR-HUB - Updated the TEEHR-HUB baseimage to `pangeo/pangeo-notebook:2023.07.05` 0.2.1 - 2023-08-21 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ - Nothing Changed ^^^^^^^ - Updated TEEHR version in TEEHR-HUB to v0.2.1 - Converts nwm feature id's to numpy array in loading 0.2.0 - 2023-08-17 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ - This changelog Changed ^^^^^^^ - Loading directory refactor changed import paths to loading modules - Changed directory of `` utility - Replaced NWM config parameter dictionary with pydantic models - NWM reference time used by TEEHR is now taken directly from the file name rather than the "reference time" embedded in the file - Use of the term `run` updated to `configuration` for NWM 0.1.3 - 2023-06-17 -------------------- Added ^^^^^ - Initial release