Slot: relationship_to_participant
A value indicating the relationship between the Participant to which the Condition is attributed and the individual who had the reported Condition. If the Condition is affecting the participant themselves, then 'Self' is the appropriate relationship. If the Condition is affecting a family member (e.g. a parent of the Participant) then an appropriate relationship should be provided (e.g. 'Parent')
URI: bdchm:relationship_to_participant
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
Condition | Conditions are records of a Person suggesting the presence of a disease or me... | no |
- Range: FamilyRelationshipEnum
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | bdchm:relationship_to_participant |
native | bdchm:relationship_to_participant |
LinkML Source
name: relationship_to_participant
description: A value indicating the relationship between the Participant to which
the Condition is attributed and the individual who had the reported Condition. If
the Condition is affecting the participant themselves, then 'Self' is the appropriate
relationship. If the Condition is affecting a family member (e.g. a parent of the
Participant) then an appropriate relationship should be provided (e.g. 'Parent')
rank: 1000
alias: relationship_to_participant
owner: Condition
- Condition
range: FamilyRelationshipEnum