Slot: contained_in
A physical container in which a specimen is presently held or attached - as storage for future use, a substrate for growth (e.g. a cell culture dish), or a vessel to enable analysis (e.g. a microscope slide or 96-well plate)
URI: bdchm:contained_in
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
Specimen | Any material taken as a sample from a biological entity (living or dead), or ... | no |
- Range: SpecimenContainer
- The 0..1 cardinality on this attribute means that you cannot directly references multiple nested containers holding a sample. To capture this scenario, use the "parent_container" attribute of the Container entity.
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | bdchm:contained_in |
native | bdchm:contained_in |
LinkML Source
name: contained_in
description: A physical container in which a specimen is presently held or attached
- as storage for future use, a substrate for growth (e.g. a cell culture dish),
or a vessel to enable analysis (e.g. a microscope slide or 96-well plate)
- The 0..1 cardinality on this attribute means that you cannot directly references
multiple nested containers holding a sample. To capture this scenario, use the "parent_container"
attribute of the Container entity.
rank: 1000
alias: contained_in
owner: Specimen
- Specimen
range: SpecimenContainer
required: false
multivalued: false