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Slot: associated_participant

A reference to the Participant that is associated with this record.

URI: bdchm:associated_participant

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
ObservationSet A structured object to hold related Observations in a set no
DrugExposure DrugExposures are records of a Person suggesting exposure to a medication no
DimensionalObservation A structured object that describes a single data item about the physical dime... no
SpecimenQualityObservation A structured object that describes a characteristic of a specimen indicative ... no
MeasurementObservation A data structure with key (observation_type) and value (value) attributes tha... no
SdohObservationSet A structured object to hold related Observations in a set no
Visit Events where Persons engage with the healthcare system for a duration of time no
SpecimenQuantityObservation A structured object that describes a single data item about the quantity of a... no
Exposure Exposures are records of a Person suggesting exposure to a medication, device... no
DimensionalObservationSet A set of one or more discrete observations about the physical dimensions of a... no
SdohObservation A data structure with key (observation_type) and value (value) attributes tha... no
DeviceExposure DeviceExposures are records of a Person suggesting exposure to a foreign obje... no
Condition Conditions are records of a Person suggesting the presence of a disease or me... no
Demography Demographics about an individual or animal receiving care or other health-rel... no
Observation A data structure with key (observation_type) and value (value) attributes tha... no
MeasurementObservationSet A structured object to hold related Observations in a set no
File Abstract class for various kinds of files no
Procedure Procedure contains records of activities or processes ordered by, or carried ... no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self bdchm:associated_participant
native bdchm:associated_participant

LinkML Source

name: associated_participant
description: A reference to the Participant that is associated with this record.
rank: 1000
alias: associated_participant
- Demography
- Visit
- Condition
- Procedure
- Exposure
- File
- ObservationSet
- Observation
range: Participant