Class: Entity
Any resource that has its own identifier
- NOTE: this is an abstract class and should not be instantiated directly
URI: schema:Thing
class Entity
click Entity href "../Entity"
Entity <|-- Person
click Person href "../Person"
Entity <|-- Demography
click Demography href "../Demography"
Entity <|-- Participant
click Participant href "../Participant"
Entity <|-- ResearchStudy
click ResearchStudy href "../ResearchStudy"
Entity <|-- Consent
click Consent href "../Consent"
Entity <|-- Visit
click Visit href "../Visit"
Entity <|-- Organization
click Organization href "../Organization"
Entity <|-- TimePoint
click TimePoint href "../TimePoint"
Entity <|-- Questionnaire
click Questionnaire href "../Questionnaire"
Entity <|-- QuestionnaireItem
click QuestionnaireItem href "../QuestionnaireItem"
Entity <|-- QuestionnaireResponse
click QuestionnaireResponse href "../QuestionnaireResponse"
Entity <|-- Condition
click Condition href "../Condition"
Entity <|-- Procedure
click Procedure href "../Procedure"
Entity <|-- Exposure
click Exposure href "../Exposure"
Entity <|-- File
click File href "../File"
Entity <|-- Document
click Document href "../Document"
Entity <|-- Specimen
click Specimen href "../Specimen"
Entity <|-- SpecimenContainer
click SpecimenContainer href "../SpecimenContainer"
Entity <|-- SpecimenCreationActivity
click SpecimenCreationActivity href "../SpecimenCreationActivity"
Entity <|-- SpecimenProcessingActivity
click SpecimenProcessingActivity href "../SpecimenProcessingActivity"
Entity <|-- SpecimenStorageActivity
click SpecimenStorageActivity href "../SpecimenStorageActivity"
Entity <|-- SpecimenTransportActivity
click SpecimenTransportActivity href "../SpecimenTransportActivity"
Entity <|-- BiologicProduct
click BiologicProduct href "../BiologicProduct"
Entity <|-- Substance
click Substance href "../Substance"
Entity <|-- Quantity
click Quantity href "../Quantity"
Entity <|-- BodySite
click BodySite href "../BodySite"
Entity <|-- ObservationSet
click ObservationSet href "../ObservationSet"
Entity <|-- Observation
click Observation href "../Observation"
Entity : id
- Entity
- Person
- Demography
- Participant
- ResearchStudy
- Consent
- Visit
- Organization
- TimePoint
- Questionnaire
- QuestionnaireItem
- QuestionnaireResponse
- Condition
- Procedure
- Exposure
- File
- Document
- Specimen
- SpecimenContainer
- SpecimenCreationActivity
- SpecimenProcessingActivity
- SpecimenStorageActivity
- SpecimenTransportActivity
- BiologicProduct
- Substance
- Quantity
- BodySite
- ObservationSet
- Observation
Name | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance |
id | 1 Uriorcurie |
The 'logical' identifier of the entity within the system of record | direct |
used by | used in | type | used |
DimensionalObservation | focus | range | Entity |
DimensionalObservationSet | focus | range | Entity |
Document | focus | range | Entity |
SpecimenQualityObservation | focus | range | Entity |
SpecimenQuantityObservation | focus | range | Entity |
ObservationSet | focus | range | Entity |
Observation | focus | range | Entity |
MeasurementObservationSet | focus | range | Entity |
MeasurementObservation | focus | range | Entity |
SdohObservationSet | focus | range | Entity |
SdohObservation | focus | range | Entity |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | schema:Thing |
native | bdchm:Entity |
LinkML Source
name: Entity
description: Any resource that has its own identifier
abstract: true
- id
class_uri: schema:Thing
name: Entity
description: Any resource that has its own identifier
abstract: true
name: id
description: The 'logical' identifier of the entity within the system of record. The
simple value of this attribute stands for an identifier of this data object
within the system, it can be used as a reference from other objects within the
same system (i.e. primary and foreign keys), and it should be unique per type
of object. The same data object copied to a different system will likely have
a different "id" in the new system since "id" values are system specific and
do not represent persistent business identifiers. Business identifiers are assigned
outside the information system and are captured in the "identifier" field. The
"id" field is more likely to be a serially or randomly generated value that
is assigned to the data object as it is created in a system.
rank: 1000
slot_uri: schema:identifier
identifier: true
alias: id
owner: Entity
- Entity
range: uriorcurie
class_uri: schema:Thing